DICOM Viewer is a software capable of opening DICOM imaging for the visualization, manipulation, and realization of diagnosis through imaging. 

If at any moment you found yourself face to face with the term “DICOM Viewer”, or words such as DICOM or PACS and you asked yourself what they were, how they work and how to get them, this post will help to answer your questions!

In the last few years is visible the growth of technology, its influence, and applications in many health segments. One of these technologies, the DICOM Viewer has become a key piece for the optimization and quality of work done by health professionals engaged with medical images.

Their applications are extensive: besides diagnosis, they are frequently used for the elaboration of chirurgical plans, case studies and they can even be used in classrooms, allying technologies to the traditional education of some health areas. 

But first, you’ll need to know what DICOM means:

DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. It is a protocol that standardizes the digital medical images obtained in exams and specifies all its characteristics and behaviors. The DICOM protocol defines the creation, visualization, search and transfer of medical images obtained through medical procedures such as Tomography (CT), Mammograms (MG) and other modalities of image exams. 

All the processes of obtaining DICOM images are protocolized and defined by NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association), which determines rules and patronizes the format of the images, guaranteeing the quality and source of said image. The most trustable and reliable DICOM Viewers, like Athena DICOM Expert and Athena DICOM Essential, have theses patterns embedded. 

The ideal DICOM Viewer, allows you to access, visualize and temper with any DICOM imaging obtained through an exam. 

Know more about other structures that can be used with a DICOM Viewer: 

For a DICOM Viewer to be able to open DICOM imaging, it is necessary to import such images inside the viewer. Athena, for an instant, allows the importation trough local files (in a regular PC), CDs, USB Sticks, and PACS servers.

A PACS server (Picture Archiving and Communication System) is a computer or a set of computers that can be found in a hospital or clinic, and that stores all images acquired during an exam.

In case you have any doubts about the configuration of a PACS server, you can always talk with the IT team responsible for its structure. Now, here is a valuable tip: stay alert for the norms of your local health establishment, recommendations and norms of your medical board and council regarding the sharing of images.

But how can I apply a DICOM Viewer to my daily routine?

DICOM viewers can be more than just tools for opening DICOM imaging. 

Let’ see some other examples in motion: To optimize the diagnosis time, some DICOM viewers, allow you to access said exams in the comfort of your own home, office or practice at any moment without obstacles. Besides that, manipulation and edition tools will vary depending on the software used, and you can test them out to see which one will fit better for your demands. 

But not only for diagnosing a DICOM Viewer is for! If you are a student, know that with a DICOM viewer you can broaden your knowledge, apply and practice them! Taking as an example our DICOM Viewer, you can access knowledge bases with anonymized content in plenty of health areas so that you can explore them in any way you see fit. 

Besides these applications, a DICOM viewer can also be used for the elaboration of chirurgical plans. 

In case you need a DICOM viewer just for the visualization of DICOM imaging (finding out about the peculiarities of the human body is also a great way of using a DICOM viewer!) there are many software with basic tools, ready to attend to this demand. 

DICOM viewers are excellent allies when the subject is increasing productivity, all the while increasing life quality, especially for professionals of the heath area. For any purposes whatsoever, be it diagnoses, studies, planning classes or surgeries, curiosity or just to find out about the functionality of a DICOM Viewer, the Athena family has the ideal version for you! 

Find out more information about Athena DICOM Expert or Athena DICOM Essential. In case of doubts, you’re welcome to contact us!