Technology in the medical field has brought, in addition to new training opportunities, development and learning, a big increase in its professional’s productivity. New technologies, like teleradiology, bring greater freedom to radiologists, besides many other benefits.

Therefore, nothing better than a comparison between traditional radiology so we can verify their main differences.

1 – Being physically present

The first and more important difference between both is the very presence of radiologists in site. In the practice of traditional radiology, the radiologist must be always physically present in the place where the image is produced and/or analyzed. In teleradiology, instead, the images are remotely interpreted. That is, a radiologist who isn’t physically present in the same place where the images are generated does the analysis.

2 – Attending to patients

Teleradiology improves how the patients are attended to. This happens because it allows for teleradiologists to offer their service without being at the same place and time of their patients. This is even more useful in emergency scenarios, at the evening or by night, when there’s no radiologist present in the hospital or clinic.

3 – Access to specialists

Teleradiology also makes easier the access to specific professionals, like a skeletal muscle radiologist. Since these professionals are mostly located in metropolitan areas, the distance has the potential of creating a delay in the patient’s treatment. Teleradiology aids directly in this, allowing trained specialists to be available any time, anywhere.

4 – Cost

The initial cost of digital systems can be bigger than the film and/or screen configurations. But, in the long run, there’ll be substantial economy. After all, the professional will be using the same materials repeatedly, without the necessity of buying new film and chemicals for processing ou repairing the processor, besides maintenance costs.

5 – Mobility

By using teleradiology, the radiology professional will obtain images that are easily viewed in the cloud. Files can also be transferred to different doctors via CD, if necessary.

6 – Documentation

With teleradiology, the image storage happens in servers. Quite different from big filing cabinets filled with printed copies that need to be removed each 7 years.

To learn more about our Teleradiology solutions, please contact us or access our menu: Health Solutions.