The viscerocranium (or splanchnocranium) is the fixed skeleton of the face and jaw. It is located in the anterior part of the skull and makes up the bones of the mouth (maxilla and mandible), nose and orbital cavities.

👉 Also learn about the Skull and Neurocranium!

We found 14 irregular bones, being 2 odd (mandible and vomer) and 6 pairs (maxilla, inferior nasal concha, zygomatic, palatine, nasal and lacrimal bones).

The mandible has an “U” shape, where the alveolar process is what supports the teeth. The mental foramen are the holes through which the nerves and vessels pass! The vomer, on the other hand, constitutes the posterior and inferior portions of the nasal septum.

The maxillae constitute the skeleton of the superior dental arch, their margins are medial inferior infraorbitalis. And, the vessels and nerves pass through the infraorbital foramen.

The inferior nasal turbinates run along the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The zygomatics represent the cheek and the inferior and lateral part of the orbits, in addition, they are supported on the maxilla.

Palatines are the posterior parts of the hard palate. The nasal bones are located on the back of the nose. And, the lacrimal bones, which are the most fragile in the face, are located in the medial part of the orbit.

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